Monday, June 11, 2012

"life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning how to dance in the rain"

So I still don't know where in the U.S. i'll spend my high school year. At the pre-departure camp they said that if you don't know by now, you'll probably not know until August. The reason why is because American schools are closed during July month so even if you might have a host family by now the school will not be able to accept you. But still you don't get any information from the organization until everything is settle with both family and school and all that. So I guess there's nothing to do but be patient.  

LOL, this is what i'm doing while being patient. And yeah,  I know my cat loves me more deep down than what it looks like on the picture, or at least I love him...<3

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The fantastic 4

Just had the best first day of summer with the three best gals. Started the day with brunch and followed it up with a lot of nostalgia, old memories, watermelon  and playing on the playground... Feels good to be free and just be able to spend the day exactly how you want and feel like. Without things in your way that must be done or worrying cause you didn't those things. Summer is the best, no questing needed!

I can't decide if these re-make of "Christmas Foam Candies" to "July Foam Candies", are an awesome idea ...or just completely wrong?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Catching every single moment

 Smile at strangers  Get fit  Have no regrets  Stay up all night Sleep under the stars Rebound with old friends  Eat marshmallows  Break bad habits Dance at a party  Kiss a boy  Spend your money Make ice cream Get a tan  Swim in the morning light Make a home made music video Laugh really hard  Meet new people Do something unexpected  Travel  Achieve goals  Be yourself  Make someone happy Dance in the rain  Have the best SUMMER ever!!

That feeling

IT'S SUMMER BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It might be raining cats 'n' dogs and be cold as hell outdoor, but I'm sure I can hear birds singing and I know that it's finally summer break!! Next time I put my foot in a school it will be in the U.S.A. Every thing feels  so unreal and strange. I just said goodbye to the people that's been my classmates the last year and knowing that I'm gonna leave them already when I kind of just met them feels weird. When I get back they'll got their last year in school and they'll be jumping around in white dresses with whistles and student's cap while I have one more year left. But on the other hand, I'll experience and learn so much on my year abroad that I never could do if I would stay home. Having to spend one year more in school and with classmates one year younger then me doesn't bother me at all, it really means nothing to me in comparison to the amazing opportunity to get to spend one year in High school, in the U.S.

Friday, June 1, 2012

1:st of June!!!!

Can't believe summer is finally here, and just one week left in school. Next time I go to school it's in U.S.A. It feels so unreel that all the exchange students I've followed through their blogs the last year, is home by now...and I'm the next to go, i'm the next exchange student!!!

It's been a year since my interview with STS and unfortunately I still haven't got my host family and any information about where I'll spend my upcoming year abroad. The people at the pre-dapeture camp said that 90 % of all exchange student doesn't get their place and family until august and that's like one or two weeks before departure!!! So crazy, but it kind of makes everything even more exiting (and scary)...I mean, talk about throw yourself out there. :D